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Work Extension Ending WHV Partner Visa

Bethan Watson

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Hired a migration officer. Lodged partner application a month and a bit before my 2nd WHV work place 6 month limitation ends. I love my job, and I can't imagine being without it. At the same time as lodging the partner application, I also got the lawyer to send away a Form 1445, which states in exceptional circumstances such as lodging a de facto visa I can extend.



We've heard nothing. It's 2 weeks today before I can't work with my job any more...what's going on?!


There was a mistake that the lawyer amended but she said it wouldn't make a difference, because she fixed it. Instead of June, I put May as my termination time. But she amended it before they sent it off.


I thought they looked at them within 2 weeks, not waited until 2 weeks before the expiration of my work placement.


Any one else with experience of this, could you tell me what to expect?


I'm freaking out.



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If you have hired an immigration lawyer, you should ask him/her for advice, not a forum like this. But I imagine your lawyer will say that unless you have written permission from the DIBP to continue working, you must leave once your 6 months is up and that failing to do so could jeopardise future applications.

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I thought they looked at them within 2 weeks, not waited until 2 weeks before the expiration of my work placement.


DIBP recommend that you submit the request at least 2 weeks prior to expiration of the 6 months, not that they will look at it within 2 weeks if you submit it; subtle difference! Also, in any event, DIBP never bind themselves to any time frames which they may indicate for processing any application or request. Nothing to freak out about (yet), but it will require following up with DIBP to get the written authorisation to make sure that it isn't forgotten about. I've had it where the request was submitted 5 weeks before the expiration of the 6 months and in the end the written authorisation came through just 2 days before the end.

As @Quinkla has pointed out, if you do not receive the written permission from DIBP in time, then you must cease working for the employer. The last thing that you want to do is to jeopardise your permanent residence visa application (or any other future application for a visa or citizenship) by breaching your current visa conditions. In any event, you mentioned that you have a lawyer acting for you, so no doubt your lawyer has provided all of this same advice to you already.

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